Many accidents are simple fender benders, so you exchange information with the other driver and then let the insurance companies pay any claim that is necessary. If the claims are small, the fault of the accident is clear, and the accident does not involve any injuries, there may be no need to involve an attorney. However, the following are a few situations when you need to contact a lawyer.
You were denied your claim
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When you get injured in a wreck you probably have two important goals: to get your life back to normal again and to be paid compensation from the at-fault driver. The process involved in getting paid the money damages you deserve can be long, but you should realize that you may be offered a settlement at almost any time from the moment of the wreck all the way up to the court's final judgment.
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A domestic assault charge is a very serious legal situation to find yourself in. Regardless of the circumstances that lead to the charge, consulting with a criminal defense lawyer should always be your first move. Their advise can be invaluable as you navigate the legal system. The following are two things you need to be aware of if you find yourself charged with domestic assault.
#1: Do not try to contact your accuser
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No one wants to get pulled over and receive a traffic ticket from an officer. However, these things happen sometimes. While the easy thing would be to simply go to the courthouse or city hall and pay the ticket, who wants their auto insurance to skyrocket? It is possible to have your ticket dismissed. The problem is that most people don't have the slightest clue as to how to do it.
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Many people think if they file a workers compensation claim in an "at will" state, it can cause them to lose their job. You may even assume the employer will fire you just to avoid paying out. Thankfully, that's not how workers compensation works. Here's what you need to know about your job status when you file a WC claim in an at-will state.
The At-Will Exceptions
At-will employment gives employers the power to dismiss an employee at any time, and for any reason.
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