Focusing On Your Recovery

Protect Your Gym From Frivolous Lawsuits And Unnecessary Injuries

If you run a gym, then you understand that one of the big issues that you face as a business owner is customer injuries. While this is sometimes unavoidable, there are other instances that are preventable. It's also a good idea to be ready for any lawsuits by being proactive and having the correct contacts set up. Below are three things you should do to help protect your business from lawsuits. Read More 

Did A VBAC Go Wrong? Should Your Doctor Have Known Better Than To Try?

A lot of expectant mothers hope to have a vaginal delivery of their second child, even if they had a cesarean the first time around. The procedure (commonly called a "vaginal birth after cesarean" or "VBAC"), however, is not without its risks. If you, your wife, or your baby were harmed during the attempt at a VBAC, the doctor may bear liability for allowing you to take the risk. This is what you should know. Read More